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Sound Masking

Serving all of South Florida
Serving all of South Florida
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Sound Masking

Quality and Reliable Sound Masking Systems in All of South Florida

Make your conversations private and secured with Delcon Electric's sound masking system. A high quality sound masking technology to keep your conversations secured!

About Sound Masking

Sound masking is a process that protects speech privacy by adding a background sound specifically the white noise to cover intrusive sounds or conversations. A good sound masking system produces a hardly noticeable background noise that resembles a gentle "whooshing" sound of a fan or an air conditioner.

A good use of sound masking makes conversations unintelligible even beyond the immediate area. This process is also known as "speech privacy," where speech and conversations are kept undisclosed to people who are not part of the conversation by masking the dialogue, talk or discussions. Sound masking also covers unwanted noises including the ringing phones or car noise outside.
It is essential for people to understand that sound masking is not the same with the process of noise cancellation. In noise cancellation headphones and microphones are available; this technology is actually not practical and is not worth the cost for it to be used on private offices. 

Why You Should Shift or Choose Sound Masking?

Sound masking is used by government agencies, medical institutions, private offices and sectors or institutions to improve privacy while the sound quality of the recorded conversations is enhanced. Sound masking is ideal of those who work in an office setting especially in facilities where there are open floor plans with cubicles. Here are some benefits of VoiceArrest Sound Masking System:
1. Reduces distractions and improves productivity at work
In an average, an office worker loses up to 2 hours a day due to interruptions or distractions. With the use of sound masking, excess noise and unrelated conversations that distracts workers are masked. Sound masking can cover the excess noise in the surrounding and non-related conversations. The sound masking systems is relied on to increase productivity of workers and decreases their stress by cancelling unwanted noise. 

2. Secured conversations with absolute confidentiality and privacy
There are conversations that you’re not supposed to hear and in the same way, there are conversations that you don’t want other people to hear. With the use of sound masking system you can make your conversations private which is ideal for office space and open space. A quality speech privacy system can create two different zones or areas of white noise – one in the office and the other in the open space, The sound masking technology effectively mask conversations sans the noise buildup. Office-wide speech privacy system provides effective privacy and confidentiality while reducing office distractions.

Call us today for a FREE estimate on our sound masking service.
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